If I was an inventor I would have fun and just invent things that is not useful for the human survival. Like I would invent a healthmachine so I can build things forever and ever. I could make some small robots that fit in a shoebox so when I am bored I can put them in a little world and watch them survive and restart from the stoneage to future in about ten minutes.
It would be so wery fun to make a invisible flying machine so I can fly wherever I want and poke people on their backs and when they look behind them there is no one there.
I would like to make a house which is on legs and It could go anywhere, when it needs to fly it goes into a zeppelin and over the water it goes into a boat. A dimention machine would be good so that you could go into different dimentions and get an infinite power source. But the greates invention would be a special clock that makes so I can go into a empty world, in the world I want to be able to make anything i want to fill up the emty world. I could save it and start a new one just like a computer program. In the world I could think stuff like
Make a 1900 city with blue doors and everybody shall have spacesuits.
And it will go real in that world. I also want to print it in the real world. In the world I could invent a thing to stop war and then I could take it to the real world and use it. I would become a inventor, timetraveler, dimension traveler and a hero. I could destroy the whole world and in the next second it’s like normal and no one will remember it even happened.
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