Rules: 1 Dont look at the question beneth the question you are reading.
2 Write your points in the comments.
3 If you dont make it on the question go to the next one beneth.
4 Be honest and dont write more points in the comments than you got.
5 Have fun =)
5p - He’s a dude.
4p -He’s birthday is the 6 of January.
3p - He makes humor movies.
2p - He’s name starts on Row .
1p - He’s the main player in Jonny English and Mister Bean.
5p= You cheated! 4=That is really good 3= ok 2= you should have got who he is by now 1p= Do you even watch humor?
min mamma fick 3p=)
SvaraRaderaRowan Atkinson aka Mr.Bean :P